Impact Investing Market

Guide Cover

Inclusive Business Investing Guide

July 24, 2024

Created by Impact Principles Signatories, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), British International Investment (BII), and the Dutch development bank FMO, the new Inclusive Business Investing Guide aims to help investors allocate capital to inclusive businesses and t

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Creating Impact

Creating Impact—The Promise of Impact Investing

June 12, 2022

Investors’ appetite for impact investing—in which they seek to generate positive impact for society alongside strong financial returns—could total as much as $26 trillion, according to the report Creating Impact: The Promise of Impact Investing.

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Investing for Impact

Investing for Impact: The Global Impact Investing Market 2020

June 12, 2022

IFC’s latest estimate of the global market for impact investments shows that $2.3 trillion were being invested for impact in 2020, of which $636 billion clearly have an impact management system in place, according to the report 'Investing for Impact: The Global Impact Investing M

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